(You know I can't live in eternity
But you can we all live in diversity!
No I can't! MHD got the best of me
Mental health is just not your-)
I can't even fight it
I have to incite it
It's eating my insides I can't even fight it
Throw me the lighter I need to ignite it
He cannot pull through this much pain I despite it
Why'd you have to treat me like I was the bad guy?
YOU treated me just like I was an incite!
I tried to HELP you I gave you that invite
Then why did we fight?!
You know I can't live in eternity
But you can we all live in diversity!
No I can't! MHD got the best of me
Mental health is just not your remedy remedy
Yes! it aids me! aids me!
Just cave me cave me
Please aid me aid me