1895 Conrad Röntgen discovers the X-Rays
1896 Henri Bequerel discovers that uranium salts give off similar rays naturaly
1898 Marie Curie discovers the elements of polonium and radium she furthermorde creates the new term of radioactivity
1903 Ernest Rutherford differes between alpha beta and gamma radiation
1934 Enrico Fermi bombards elements with neutrons creating transuranes
1938 Otto Hahn discovers nuclear fission
1942 The first self containing nuclear chain reaction is produced at chicago pile 1 leading to the Manhatten Project
July 16th 1945 The Trinity Test is the first ever man made nuclear wapon explosion at white Sands Proving ground
6th August 1945 08:15 The Equivalent of 13 Kilotons of TNT Kills 20 to 90 thousand people with the drop of Little Boy at Hiroshima. Welcome to the nuclear Age!