When you lose a son not one both
Not in a crash or a storm or by some strange disease
But by a choice a decision weighed in their minds
They've torn out my heart and stomped it dry
The two I grew say you're of no value
When it seems I'm okay it's a lie
All I can do is cry and try to stay warm
Ice cold or rock-hard which heart is more dark
My greatest fear is here
Colors seem muted and food so bland it's a scent I can't stand
The grief is gouging into me like a beaver's teeth
I'm about to fall I thought they would come back
I've fooled myself again and again hanging onto the hope
Betrayed only I didn't know it could happen to me
Put down the sword I know so Psalm 109 OH LORD
Verse six is a fit for her
I have no more words only screams cries and tears
One day on that Day I will finally be heard
Let me last breath be I love you both D and D
When you lose a son not one both
Not in a crash or a storm or by some strange disease
But by a choice a decision weighed in their minds
They've torn out my heart and stomped it dry
The two I grew say you're of no value
When it seems I'm okay it's a lie
All I can do is cry and try to stay warm
Ice cold or rock-hard which heart is more dark
My greatest fear is here
Colors seem muted and food so bland it's a scent I can't stand
The grief is gouging into me The grief is gouging into me
Like a beaver's teeth
I'm about to fall I thought they would come back
I've fooled myself again and again hanging onto the hope
Betrayed only I didn't know it could happen to me
Put down the sword I know so Psalm 109 OH LORD
Verse six is a fit for her
I have no more words only screams cries and tears
One day on that Day I will finally be heard
Let me last breath be I love you both D and D
Betrayed only I didn't know it could happen to me
Put down the sword I know so Psalm 109 OH LORD
Verse six is a fit for her
I have no more words only screams cries and tears
One day on that Day I will finally be heard
Let me last breath be I love you both D and D