When you're busy and your boss walks in with that big shit eating grin
You know already that he's gonna ask you something really f*cking dim
You'll have to fake that smile again this time and reply with something
That makes him think that really you give a shit about the shit that he's asking
Except I couldn't give a monkeys
I really couldn't give a shit
I'm tired of being mr nice guy
I'm f*cking thru with it
When you need to quickly do that thing but the thing ain't doing it
And you have to call the guy for help even tho he's a f*cking idiot
And you spend the next two hours turning it off and on again
And listening to his f*cking crap about the software updating
Except I couldn't give a monkeys
I really couldn't give a shit
I'm tired of being mr nice guy
I'm f*cking thru with it
When your human resource manager calls a late meeting
And spends the whole afternoon talking about staff wellbeing
When you could be out actually getting something f*cking done
But instead you gotta listen to her crap and f*cking nod along
Except I couldn't give a monkeys
I really couldn't give a shit
I'm tired of being mr nice guy
I'm f*cking thru with it