You said you'd be ready in a minute or so|Honey that something like an hour ago,|The water in my glass used to be whiskey and ice|Girl it's about damn time,||Got the truck already running, you just stroll out the door,|Like as late we already are what's a little bit more,|But You give me that grin,|And do that middle seat slide |Yeah it's about damn ||The way that blonde hair's blowing,|The way your green eyes shine,|Gets me all wound up,|Just the way you like,|You were worth the wait and I've been waiting my whole life|Yeah It's about damn time,|Girl it's about damn ||Trying not to swerve,|I'm trying hard not to stare,|Almost to the party but I ain't ready to share,|Finally catch a break and catch a red light,|Catch your lips on mine,|And it's about damn time,||Patience ain't never been my strongest suit,|But I'd wait forever when it comes to you