I remember praying one day.
I'm up praying at three am.
I'm talking to the creator at three o'clock in the morning
And i aint where I wanna be
And i'm like god I'm not where
I wanna be and he's like "Just stop being a victim.
That's why you aint successful youre watching
LeBron make his dreams a reality
You're watching the black mamba make his dreams a reality "
If you put the same time
LeBron put in, and
I started studying, and
I realized I was an African-American male
I need to get a master's degree and a PhD in order to do what
I'm doing and guess what
I had to get up, even though it was hard, and
I had to take ownership of my life, take ownership of my time, take ownership of my day
But what I didn't want to do is
I didn't want to wear another man's armor, because I didn't know if I could win a fight wearing
Saul's suit I needed my slingshot, I needed my five stones
So when you see this, this
E-slingshot right here, this E-five stones, why
Because what Saul did didn't even work for him
So a lot of times we copycatting other people, and doing what they're doing
And it ain't even working for them
But because you have a low self-esteem
Or because you need to be a firm
You're doing what they want you to do
And I promise you, if I go out
I'm going out E-T