I woke up this morning feeling pretty great
Had my coffee in hand thought I wouldn't be late
But as I closed the car door with a slam and a thud
My finger got caught and I screamed out "Oh f*ck!"
Got my finger caught in the car door oh shit!
The pain's so bad I wanna throw a fit
Cursing and yelling making quite the scene
This goddamn door's got me acting obscene
It's throbbing like hell I can't believe my luck
Now I'm jumping around shouting "F*ck f*ck f*ck!"
The neighbors are staring like I've lost my mind
This shitty car door must be Satan-designed
Got my finger caught in the car door oh hell!
Now I'm late for work and it hurts like hell
Cursing the universe my day's gone awry
This damn car door's got me cursing the sky
I tried to yank it out but it wouldn't budge
The pain's so bad I'm starting to hold a grudge
With tears in my eyes I finally got free
But now my poor finger looks like it fought World War III!
So listen up folks let this be a lesson learned
Check your fingers twice so you don't get burned
The day was ruined by this door it's a bitch
Caught my finger in the car door life's a son of a bitch!