I was relying on the fact
That I usually fight back
But with my weakened cardiac
I lost my plan of attack
Lost track of people that i loved
It came to push and shove
My life before was just a dud
I found meaning in mud
They come and ask me for a quote
The words come from my throat
And not my chest I swear it's fine
No comment at this time
You people never satisfy
So why do I still try
Am I the wolf or now the sheep
I've lost my core belief
Believe me
As a special treat today
We're going to take you behind the scenes
For an exciting event
That will thrill any girl
And he didn't even kiss me goodbye!
You read your newspaper in half
You order danish, not sweet rolls
You almost like cardboard coffee
(I think he felt ashamed too,
That he was sorry
That it was his fault
Do you think it was his fault?
Oh mother I don't know what to think I'm so mixed up
You know dear, I was young once too
I was defiant of the state
And the way we all relate
One plows the fields one pours the wine
But I'll be doing fine
So while you see me from afar
I might know who you are
But i'm remade beyond belief
I've lost my core belief
And you can keep it
And see how you like this shit
Too many hires
Too many fires
Not enough extinguishers
Extinguish her too? I don't even know f*cking last name
She probably has-