Sliced and diced on a Corian slab
Alabaster skin and dead sunken eyes, Corian
Sooty cobbled factory streets the flesh and bone man slinks
Rent boys cackle hookers smoke the priest all jump like ghosts
Car doors slam on petrol fumes the dogs do tricks for sharks
The familiar's dark and bloodied hand keeps everyone's in check
Malphas licks his raven lips and conjures his hoarse commands
Kindly accepts sacrifice there's dankness in his voice
A ghost washed down on a Corian slab
On Corian, Alabaster skin and dead sunken eyes
The deities laying off the bets just to see whose skin will rip
Darkness rolls the gritty clouds the devil always wins
The nightingales sing to Eia in the shadow of their dreams
The angels drown neon light to the sound of a violin, on Corian
The devil drags on his opiate dreams and shares his wispy smoke
God sucks deep and rolls his eyes and leaves his son to break
A ghost washed down on a Corian slab
Alabaster skin and dead sunken eyes, on Corian
Sooty cobbled factory streets the flesh and bone man slinks
Rent boys cackle hookers smoke to the sounds of a violin
The devil drags on opiate dreams and shares his wispy smoke
God sucks deep and rolls his eyes and leaves his son to break
A ghost washed down on a Corian slab
Alabaster skin and dead sunken eyes, on Corian
Sliced and diced on a Corian slab
Sliced and diced on a Corian slab
Sliced and diced on a Corian slab