I wish we were happy
I wish it was easy
I wish it was you
If we're not mean to be
Explain the chemistry
Why are you and me slipping
Pouring out all our feelings
Why do we keep drifting back in our
Falling into old ways
Falling into old ways
It's the same old tip on a different day
And the same argument just to litigate
We done played every game
Trying to make a different way
But it's hard for you to change so I had to get away
We're so stuck on the memories from years ago
Stead of seeing reality and facing it like adults
For you I'm tired of walking out on a rope and falling dead on my face because you refuse to ever let go
And I hold no resentment towards you
You used to be my lady so I figured you were cool and
I'm sorry that I tried to mold you thought that you would do stuff other women would do
It took a turn for the worst and I'm losing control so I had to give Jesus the wheel
Fell back into your old ways
And as of right now
I'm not sure I know how to feel
I wish we were happy
I wish it was easy
I wish it was you
If we're not mean to be
Explain the chemistry
Why are you and me slipping
Pouring out all our feelings
Why do we keep drifting back in our
Falling into old ways
Falling into old ways
Fighting and fussing
And fighting and fussing
This stuff is toxic no hazmat is coming
You find a way to keep pushing my buttons
This getting ugly
Really gets bad when you throw a glass and then I flip a table
You look in shock as if I wasn't able
Then you act like as if you took the ladder
Knowing you drug me down to hell and backwards
Then try to make up and cuddle me after
You'll get this trigger like Kenny omega
My heart is telling me focus on paper because if I don't then I might start to hate her
I be so ready to give up on feeling but you keep on cutting it close like a taper
You keep on acting like no one could throw their keys at you and tell you that they'll see you later
I wish we were happy
I wish it was easy
I wish it was you
If we're not mean to be
Explain the chemistry
Why are you and me slipping
Pouring out all our feelings
Why do we keep drifting back in our
Falling into old ways
Falling into old ways