Your eyes search through the earth
For those who know Your worth
So, God, we welcome You here now
Oh, Living Water flow
Come make Your presence known
Move through Your Church in holy power
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Lift your heads, fling wide you ancient doors
Oh, oh, oh hallelujah, hallelujah
Shout out loud, Oh King of glory come
King of glory come
You bind the chains of dark
Rescue the longing heart
Oh, God we welcome You here now
You conquer every foe
Your throne none can oppose
Move through Your Church in holy power
Our Redeemer and Defender
Every throne and royal scepter
Soon will see Your radiant splendor
Be exalted
Take Your rightful place within us
As we move in truth and justice
So the world will see You, Jesus
Be exalted