I'm home sick
But home aint home and I'm not sick I'm Pac'ng
Haven't had a sleep in a year I'm plugged in
Haven't had a meal in a year I'm investing
Haven't had a life in a year I'm searching
A year on the road alone I'm inverting
Damn! Dreams!
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you
Get your shit together
Hold a shit get together
Lock em all up together
And put a ring on the locker (Eyyy)
All you got is you
And you never comes in a few
You never ends and leaves you
So use you to profit you
And put a crown on you (Eyyy)
God is a provider
The four names of my manager
Winning is a second nature
Multiply that by 360 and you'll get a win hour nature (Eyyy)
Hard work is the truth nigga
Hide behind the truth nigga
Hide and seek will crown you nigga
Best to ever do it nigga
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you
Pray believe receive
Life is just a gift
Why aren't you at ease
Isn't life a gift
Who put you on the leash
You should worry least
God has got your needs
Why aren't you at peace
Focus on your path
Focus on your work
Focus on the future while you working on the present
Have fun at work
Be your own fan
Fund yourself today so only you can say your worth
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you
Dreams come true No, Dreams come through
And its all on you when you see you on the news
So get your shit together coz its all on you