Time to fight for our rights to be hot and empowered
My body my choice you f*cking cowards
F*ck money f*ck boys f*ck toys f*ck this noise
We're done you're out c u next Tuesday you dumb boys with your dumb toys
mad that we took your power
[post chorus]
F*ck patriarchy make way for the matriarchy
It's our world now and you'd better get used to losing
We're hot, strong, and perfect but you're still salty we won't make you a sandwich
And you're all "dumb bitch"
Excuse me? No, I'm THAT bitch.
May we remind you that we have the kill switch?
F*ck money f*ck boys f*ck toys f*ck this noise
We're done you're out c u next Tuesday you dumb boys with your dumb toys
mad that we took your power
[post chorus]
F*ck patriarchy make way for the matriarchy
It's our world now and you'd better get used to losing
We came to fight
Fight to win
all you want to do is stick it in (ugh gross)
And sure it's not your fault you're born worthless less than perfect but saying sorry won't save you and your objections would have been worth more when we said no to your objectification
Move over history
it's our story now
And if we have to we'll drag you along for the ride
Gonna pull a Harley Quinn and introduce your kneecaps to baseball Bats
Running on a hot femme revolution
F*ck money f*ck boys f*ck toys f*ck this noise
We're done you're out c u next Tuesday you dumb boys with your dumb toys
mad that we took your power
[post chorus]
F*ck patriarchy make way for the matriarchy
It's our world now and you'd better get used to losing