Love springing from its eternal source
Made his Word of wisdom take on flesh
Life-giving water running its course
Brought revival to the hope made fresh
God made manifest in his creation
The love that had always been
Hope of healing for every nation
Springing forth from the world unseen
By angelic word of a coming end to all strife
Into a humble small town they were led
Ones starving for grace saw the bread of life
In Bethlehem, David's house of bread
As a precious baby in the midst of common livestock
He embodied the mercy of the all-powerful and all-seeing
A sign to ones waiting for mercy's gates to unlock
He took the downward step in the hierarchy of being
To see the sign they rushed from field's nightly mist
The great shepherd had now become a lamb unblemished
To lead and embody the covenant from their midst
Soon to defeat the beast so the flock would not perish
The heavens that declare the majesty of God
Could not stay silent of his great glory
Bright star led way to mercy about to flood
Shining light to promises of the ancient story
Wise men with gifts from east were bound
To travel and see the greatest gift ever given
Men in wisdom's earnest search finally found
Heaven's wisdom in a manger, wrapped in linen