Deadlifts sweat drops burpee grind
In the box where heroes find
EMOM AMRAP push the pace
WOD's our mission no disgrace
Thrusters Kettlebell swings
Wall balls rowing ain't no strings
Double-unders pull-up bars
Metcons leave those battle scars
Crush it hard through every rep
No regrets take one more step
CrossFit warriors never stop
Rise and conquer reach the top
Handstand walks and box jump heights
Snatches cleans we own the nights
Muscle-ups on rings we rise
Front squats lunges break the skies
Tire flips and farmer's walks
Sled pulls sweat as music talks
Tabata intervals we scream
In this box we chase the dream
Crush it hard through every rep
No regrets take one more step
CrossFit warriors never stop
Rise and conquer reach the top