Honestly, this is all I know
The power that's making the flowers grow, making the planet turn and the sun glow
Is the power that is always doing everything, everywhere, all the time, so
The more I remember to breathe and simply let go
The more it all seems to be free and effortless and flow
Sure, there's some effort involved
The effort it takes to relax and bow low
Beyond that, it's all a magical dance
A beautiful and musical, grand and divine show
A bending, turning, spiraling rainbow
Spilling into the bowl of my shadow
As everything swirls and curls, moving in slow-mo
This love is the power that makes everything unfold
The more I let go and give everything back to it
The more my entire life turns into pure gold
As within, all around, as above, so below
All sides soaking in this love
This is all that I honestly know