You insulted my hat
Said the colour's not right
It should be magenta
You put me in a box
In a box by the corner
Your mental tormenta (yeah yeah)
You started this epic monologue
About a woman who was working at NAV
And made me look like an idiot
Missing the point that you surely didn't have
I was waiting for someone
That we both knew
And I'm so sorry
For what we had to go through
If you didn't want me at the table
You could have told me face to face
Why'd you look at me like I was someone
Who'd want to make it to first base
If you didn't want me at the table
But assumed the role of mastermind
Why'd you think that I had all the answers
I was only struggling to be kind
I was only struggling to be kind
So maybe I did
I did interrupt you
But you wouldn't let me go
You said we're all gonna burn
Was that because of my hat
Or the NAV-lady, I don't know (no no)
I really did not understand it,
What it was that you were trying to say
Sometimes I wish that I had taped it all
Or maybe written it into a ballet
And maybe you think
That I wanted more
When what I wanted
Was to find the door
If you didn't want me at the table
You could have told me face to face
Why'd you look at me like I was someone
Who'd want to make it to first base
If you didn't want me at the table
But assumed the role of mastermind
Why'd you think that I had all the answers
I was only struggling to be kind
I was only struggling to be kind
You're such a perfectionist
You want to do things right
When others fumble in the dark
You'll be our guiding light
You want to do things right
If you want to change the world
Have it your way
If you run for president
No one gets in your way
If you want to be a dick
You'll go all the way
If you didn't want me at the table
You could have told me face to face
Why'd you look at me like I was someone
Who'd want to make it to third base
If you didn't want me at the table
But assumed the role of mastermind
Why'd you think that I had all the answers
I was only struggling to be kind
I was only struggling to be kind