I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault
I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault
Shyh 9array ama moch 9rayet ohfodh sobb
Eendi fi rassi hatta ma9ritesh kifak barcha ktob
Ma3echtech aal Marge w madakhaltesh rohi f barcha hdhob
Nab9a chaded 9adri mangadem Ken k neerf bch nsob
Ensen 3jab msaheb zoz tletha w jey yehki l z... aal hob
Ayya yezi trah Thadd ness li kifek k yemshou nsaker lbeb allah la yrodd
La nektheb aala bent ness w la y3arsouly bl3godd
W nhar l terzen aalaya nkhafef mizen w ryh essad
Ryh essad ..
Jazr w madd..
Hetha Hal edenya matfallet fina hata had
Aaml kheer Talga kheer aaml char talga char
Yomkn maana tehchyh ama maa rabi la mafarr
Chouf rohk sfina aayem tmouj fel bhar
W belli tessri nhar w lyl yjik nhar terssy aal barr
Khthit 9adrek eey chbiih
Ghirak 3efsou fyh khater lyoum ma jee w ma hdhar
3ich berry f wadh3 El khatar
Madem k tehki kalma toussel jomla w te7tha starr
I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault
I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault
3bed yhebou errakhfa yhebouk sache w feha errayeb
Ken 3endk flous w Karhba mayhemmesh tkoun moch rajel
Makhyabha k tchouf gloub behya w tetsarref belkhayb
Dedicaci lik y'a wkhy hekka tetjanneb l msayeb
3raft eli lezm T3ich maahom double face
Magrouni dhre3i w mokhi m3abi mcharji rsess
T3allamt njyk jdid w ma naaml doura fel casse
W khalli ygoulou Berri w la ygoulou tla3 ghaffas
Mazelt f tounes yaani nkarrer fl isaba
Nchuuf 79i9eek 3bed k tconsomy maaya ela3baa
Gloub jemlaa la tasfa w lan3ichou kima jraba
Soghri dhahry 9awess mn Hazeen lcartaba
Esydd l tehku 3lyh 3omra maken malek lghaba
Twed b chwy mhabba yguulk khouya zidny kaaba
Sorry sahbi wfeet Mak te3reef edenya saaba
W ken watet 7leet tw fl aaid njyblkk lmahbaa
I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault
I'm not that perfect I know I have some defaults
I'm not that late I appear like a thunderbolt
I'm here today to play some lyrical assault
Tomorrow could be anywhere maybe in a vault