I couldn't anticipate
How much my heart would change
I didn't know what I hadn't had
Or how full my heart would get
Now I know
It's so much
Slow down
You're growing up
I know I'll miss
Miss these days
Picking you up
Getting carried away
I'll always love you
I'll keep you safe and warm
I'll hold you tighter
Through any storm
I'll always need you
I'll need your laugh and tears
I'll always guard you
Let no trouble in
No need to rush
This whole growing up
I think I need you
More than you need me
If someone ever
Makes you hurt or cry
I'll be the shoulder
The hug, the late night call
Don't grow
Up too fast
Don't be
Too serious
Life is
To stop asking
Ill be your sunset
I'll be your rising tide
I'll be your warm breeze
In the middle of the night
I'll be your long drive
To an up north stop
I'll be the orange flame
That will keep you warm
I'll be your heartbeat
I'll be the bright sunlight
I'll be your kind words
You speak to others right
I'll be the memory
In a little kid
Just know I love you
Love you forever dear