Take that drink, light that fire, it's burning out and we don't have the time
Cashed in my chips, left the door open, my number's come up, can't find where to sign
And I ain't got nothing left to lose
And I ain't got nothing left to prove
There's people and places that intimidate me, but I'm sick of walking between the lines
Tired of feeling backed in a corner and struggling with this mind of mine
And I ain't got nothing left to lose
And I ain't got nothing left to prove
I got something left, but is it enough? No, it's not what I came here with
Tried to bottle it up, send it out to sea, it didn't go far, it came back to me
And now I am sinking deep, now I am sinking deep
Put my heart out there, busted open with the fear that it could break in a moment
Carry what you can and leave the rest behind
Once you lose it all, freedom's what you'll find
And I ain't got nothing left to lose
And I ain't got nothing left to prove
And I ain't got nothing left to lose