All transformation
No constant but changing
Oh ice and it melts (floats to the clouds)
Oh its all water baby (rain pouring down)
All we are is water baby
Breeze blow in my face
Oh the winds of change
Do you brush it off or does it blow u away?
Tell me, does the wind make the waves?
Is the ocean what creates?
Id say life is water baby
People come and go just like when it snows
It melts, oh hell
I'll never find a snowflake like you
I know thats the beauty and the pain, nothing is the same
Oh if it was would it mean anything? oh
Puddles evaporate
Why does it fly away? oh it flies away
Fly wow, looking back how the time flies wow
See it all now with new eyes from higher than the trees were now
And oh I didnt have a clue but from this point of view I see
Just how small what felt so big really is and inversely
Breeze blow in my face
Oh the winds of change
Do you brush it off or does it blow u away
Tell me, does the wind make the waves? Is the ocean what creates? Id say life is water baby
All we are is water (its everywhere)
Oh and so to say (all us made)
Its everything and anything so nothing in a way