[ Featuring Mallory Lendl ]
I have come to see the King
The healer of the broken things
The God who speaks into the storm
His words are peace for those who
And when I see Him I will sing
God be praised
I'm broken down with battle scars
I need His love to mend this heart
That He would breathe into my lungs
And give me hope where I have none
And with the church now I will sing
God be Praised, God be Praised
Halle-lu-jah, Halle-lu-jah,
God be praised,
God be praised
We have come to see the King
To offer Him our everything
To lay our lives down at His feet
Surrounded by His majesty
And with the angels we will sing
God be praised, God be praised
You are great, worthy of praise
We're lifting up Your name, Jesus
You are great, worthy of praise
We're lifting up Your name, Jesus
God Be Praised
God Be Praised
God Be Praised
God Be Praised
Praise God from whom all blessings
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above you heav'nly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Praise God from whom all blessings
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above you heav'nly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen