I don't want to hurt anyone anymore
I don't want anymore
Are you hurt
Why did this happen
Why are you still here
It's all my fault
If only I had died instead of you
You wouldn't have to suffer like this
I never asked for this, I swear
I never wanted you to bear this pain
If I hadn't existed, Rika, you wouldn't have suffered at all
You wouldn't be trapped in this curse
Haunted me every second, every step
I can't control what's inside of me
I'm so scared of what I might do
Everywhere I go, she's there
How do I stop it
Everything is my fault
Why me
Maybe it's better if I just disappear
I'm torn
So tired of this pain
I can't take it anymore
No matter what I do, I can't change the fact that you're gone
And I'm the reason for it
I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I can't control it anymore
It's all my fault
Everything is my fault
Maybe if I hurt myself, maybe if I wasn't here, this curse would go away
Rika would be free
Maybe I deserve to feel this pain
I'm losing myself in this endless night
The guilt is eating me alive
I don't know how to escape this curse
It's wrapping around me
It's tighter and tighter
I'm falling apart
And I can't find the way out
I've seen the light in this endless darkness
I'm trapped within this torment
And I'm afraid of what I might do
Every attempt to escape only pulls me further in
I'm suffocating
And the walls are closing in
I can't control what's inside of me
I'm so scared of what I might do
Everywhere I go, she's there
How do I stop it
Everything is my fault
Why me
Maybe it's better if I just disappear