Caught in a state prison
But this state is the prison
Forced behind an iron curtain
Freedom is not really certain
World blinded by corruption
Doesn't see the deception
Granted subsidies
To state-owned companies
Nobody has the intention
Of building a wall
The truth isn't worth to mention
Ignore every liberty call
Stopping of the Braindrain
To secure the quixotic reign
Free German Youth
To personify the truth
The workers' and farmers' state
Shall never disintegrate
Central planned economy
An occupation lobotomy
Unintentional buildings
For those who preserve their power
A dominion unyielding
People have to cower
The firing order was given
To suppress every revolution
The order to shoot on brothers
And every connection that gathers
Death waited in a border stripe
During a fake economy hype
Surveillance was the highest law
The people drew the shortest straw