I was alone in the world
I was disconnected from everybody around me
I stood there surrounded by people who were supposed to love me, who do love me, and I thought to myself, ""I am alone.""
I was surprised by how much pressure it took to make the incision
And that made me feel safe
Because I had always thought of the body as so fragile
It was a scary time
It's still scary
And so, I rub my fingers over the healing cuts, soon to be gone, I hope, although possibly not
They'll always be present in me as part of me
I rub my hands over them and I feel the texture, the broken skin, the skin that is just becoming new, renewed and healed
And I think of how I hid it from myself and from my friends
Wearing long sleeves
Sometimes absentmindedly rolling them up and then pulling them back down to fix the mistake
It's still scary
I was surprised by how much pressure it took to make the incision
And that made me feel safe
Because I had always thought of the body as so fragile
It was a scary time
It's still scary