I've been caught up trying to find me
I've been lost lost in my dream
I don't see myself when I look into the mirror anymore
My reflection seems like it's somebody else there is so much more
It's hard to say
I should probably say less
I'm far gone
Outside my head
I found my way
I feel like I'm floating
In my dream
I feel like I'm floating
In the sky
I've been found in a field
I finally love how I feel
Took me long enough
Path was rough
But I finally woke up
Out my mind
Outside my head
Inside my life
In the sky
I'm finally free
I'm finally me
I'm alright
I'm alright
Just think this
Everything's perfect
We live in a perfect universe
Everything that's happening is perfect
And here
And you're exactly where you need to be
And exactly what's happening to you
Right now
Is perfect
It's just exactly right
You right now the way you are
In all your glory
Or all your awfulness
Is beautiful and perfect
And you're gonna be