Here by the sea where I loose all of my sorrows
The wind takes my fears and blows them away
And I do feel like I lived my whole lifetime
Here between the rocks and the stormy sea
My soul is breaking free
Back in the city trapped in rush hours
Run for your life and catch what you can
Leisure is a joke and days are short glances
We're all business men selling the world
Our only aim is gold and with twenty years we're old
Not fast enough for the bright future
But to slow to break out
Listen to the seagulls when you stroll down to the beach
Smell the salty air that lifts you up when you breathe
See the crumbled rocks that turned a million years to sand
Even when you're gone the relentless tide will never end
HIgher and bigger and up to the limits
But no idea of what that's good for
A world full of stuff that's not really needed
The shadows of the pyramids of dawn
Ancient cultures should have warned us
Here by the sea where I forgett all my sorrows
The wind takes my fears and blows them away
And I do feel like I lived my whole lifetime
Here between the rocks and stormy sea
My soul is breaking free