Succumbed to all you have to offer
I am the snake curled round your wrist
No weapon can strike dead the thoughts within your own mind
No cruder weapon against those weak of will
My blood spills onto heated stone
Turns to steam and gales tear it away
With the haunted souls of the invertebrates
Who succumbed to the one thing you had to offer
Naked bodies, heaps of writhing flesh
Their indulgence becomes their punishment
Godless, filthy orgy
Stained with the fluids of their sins
Supple skin to perverted flesh
Rotting curtains of fat to toothless gaping maw
Decay and disease infect these gusts
Yet here I stand at your disposal
Slimy beast releases the spawn of the pit
Mutant half-breeds born in hell
I know you are here somewhere
Let the gusts take you from place to place
They wail of your faithlessness
And you shall wallow in your disgrace
What I would do to catch one last glimpse of your face
Your cracked bleeding skin once beautiful
Your exterior now reflects your ugly soul
Yet here I stand at your disposal