Can you see me clear
Do you share this face
Or the body that I wear
Not to steal a moment
Merely hoping for a sign
To cure me of this wonderment
Lately the days linger
Some never come to pass
Can't seem to get better
Did this man not find
A tale to tell or live
Why did he get left behind
I'm so tired and so weak
So lonely I can scream
So destined to be sick
Thinking what I could've been
Will I ever be enough
Will I survive this journey
Or should I lose this life
Just to set it free
For reasons I don't get
It finally takes me in
Long after the game was played
Why did this mind not rest
Left rotting on the verge
Not one to call closest
The plains grow hollow
Gust and dunes stare red
Giving me a one-man show
It never gives up at all
To paint me a drowned man
That wallows in turmoil
I'm so small and naive
Some footprint in the sand
On each day I weave
Further into the damned
Will I ever shed this filth
Will I face my enemy
Or should I lose this life
Just to set it free