Sometimes when I'm lonely
I'll look out the window and I'll see
The Eiffel Tower shining its light
On me, the evening sky
Letting me know
That it's lonely too, amidst the city
Everyone watches, nobody listens
As it glistens
Standing tall and strong, like she'll never fall
If we got each other, we're not so lonely after all
Oh, how my feet missed the relief of the streets
How my dirty sneakers longed for the impact of the pavement
Paris is sweet this time of year
Like coffee and hazelnuts in my cup
Ray of Light bursting through the clouds
Sun is near, spring is here
I will never disappear
On The Radio, and it rains
The tall buildings on the other side of the street
Can I touch them? Are they real?
Or do they make one with the sky?
Like a painting or clouds from a window when you fly up high
I thought I hated you for a while
And at first - I did
But when you embraced me with your tired old walls
And patchouli musk infused wooden flooring
And uneven kitchen tiles
In the most charming South of France vintage style
I realized it might've really just been the opposite
The candle I spilled all over
The rays of sun bursting through a hole in the sky and reflecting on my lover
It's all part of your warmest welcome
Closing my eyes, giving my face
With grace to the sky's warm embrace
A bright blue hue desperately piercing through the droplets of the morning dew on my window
I do like it here
February 20th and it feels like summer
Leaving Paris on a warm evening like no other