Great is Your love
It reaches heaven high above
Your faithfulness
It stretches toward the sky
God of mercy
I've touched Your heart
Of tenderness
I know You will be faithful
Till the end
On mountains high
Through valleys low
A faithful guide
Has walked beside me
This I know
With skillful hands
Prepared the way
He'll stay my truest friend
Faithful till the end
Great is Your love
I see the wonder of it all
All I am
Transformed by all You are
Perfect beauty
Has touched my heart
And changed my mind
I know You will be with me
Till the end
On mountains high
Through valleys low
A faithful guide
Has walked beside me
This I know
With skillful hands
Prepared the way
He'll stay my truest friend
Faithful till the end
On mountains high
Through valleys low
A faithful guide
Has walked beside me
This I know
With skillful hands
Prepared the way
He'll stay my truest friend
Faithful till the end
He'll stay my truest friend
Faithful till the end
He'll stay my truest friend
Faithful till the end