So why don't I see
Those that are kind
What is it that strikes at me
Clouding my mind
Why can't I trust
Am I really that blind
Or am I just suspicious
That everybody's malicious
And wants to find fault
And then to assault
And leave wounds to bleed
And from that they feed
They feel strength and power
When I start to cower
So who will win out
When there's ever a doubt
When there's a fight
Who is it that's right
Who's side will they choose
And who will we lose
The strongest survive
Yes they stay alive
Who cares about the rest
Maybe it's for the best
I don't know the answer
I just know the pain
It permeates all my thoughts
It's like a big stain
And I can't wash it away
It's a permanent mark
It's all over the place
And I lose face
Because there's really no hope
'Cause I can't find a soap
To clean it away
Maybe there's a laser
I could burn it away
But from that there would be
A scar too
And that would for sure stay
Maybe I could freeze it
But in time it would thaw
Maybe I could cut it out
But there'd be marks
From the saw
What about poison
Would that do the trick
But that would hurt me much worse
Making me fatally sick
If I amputate
The phantom would still be there
And that would give me
A really big scare
What about radiation
To kill the cancer
But I'm not even sure
That that would give me the answer