I was on a trip
In my mind
Trying to transport
Through time
Then I saw you there
In another dimension
Making eyes at me
It caused lots of tension
I felt your pull
You pulled me in
To the person you are
That sparkling you, within
It drew me near
To find your soul
To find your center
Wanting to bind to your core
You flipped me away
As you somersaulted through time
In an urge to playfully
Encourage me
To follow you
By, by integrating
Both our time, timelines
A silly way
A silly way to get me through
To the center of you
By pushing, then pulling me
Through an inter dimensional
Symbolic galactic dance
To enhance
To see the molecules spin
Then float and dissipate
In a galactic ocean swim
I have no fears
Just Bliss
It's a silly kind of composition
A different kind of rendition