An old dog goes off to die alone
Her family misses her at home
Found her lying in a stream
Birds singing, sun shining like in a dream
Flowers all around her body
Take her home, dig a hole for her to sleep
And we hold hands around the grave
Say a prayer if you like
Love you, girl
Seee you soon, it'll be alright
Alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright
It'll be alright
It'll be alright
Sinking, sinking, sinking
Thinking in pink in blue things
That stick to the mind
And sing in truthful lies
I'd like to lay here forever
Reclined in the endless, edgeless
Ebb and flow of time
Cool sand sifts through my fingers
Linger as long as you like
Sooner or later
I'll come up to face the light
But I might
Slip into a sleep
As sweet and silent as night
Drift off, driff off, drift off, drift off
Drift off, drift off, drift off
And someday you'll find your light
Drift off, drift off, drift off
And rest beneath the willow