Oh, how my soul praises the Lord
How my spirit rejoices, my Savior adored
For He took notice of a servant so low
And now all generations will know
They'll call me blessed, see His mercy unfold
For the Mighty One is holy, His wonders untold
He has done great things beyond compare
His mercy flows like a breath in the air
From generation to generation, it's clear
To all who revere Him, His love is near
His mighty arm has done such things
Breaking the power of earthly kings
He scattered the proud, sent the haughty away
Brought down the princes who led us astray
But the humble He lifts, the weak He restores
With hands open wide, His mercy pours
He's filled up the hungry with blessings to spare
Sent the rich away empty, left without care
He remembered His promise, His people, His own
A covenant kept, a love fully shown
He scattered the proud, sent the haughty away
Brought down the princes who led us astray
But the humble He lifts, the weak He restores
With hands open wide, His mercy pours
For He made this promise to our fathers and kin
To Abraham's children, His mercy within
Forever faithful, forever sure
In His love and grace, we find our cure