Scrolling, scrolling, is all I know to do, but I just wanna see you, I just wanna see you
I just want to see you, talkin' in a soft, calm tone
But I just wanna be, yes, home
I wanna be near you, but I don't wanna be blue
I know you had those words selected
Pre-fired in your mind, and this is all coming off my tongue
But I just don't wanna be blind
I just don't wanna be blind, let's go back, let's go back
Let's go back, I wonder what everyone is doing right now
I had a thought a day or two ago
I wish I knew every human being on this earth, and the ones who are being born
So I could tell them all my thoughts, I guess
But also I don't want them to fret
I don't want them to fret, I don't want them to fret
I don't want them to fret
I don't know what I'm gonna title this song, switchin' back and forth in this loan
I don't know what you want me to say
But I just don't wanna see my brain, dissipate, disappear
In a climate change, not a Earth climate change, but a mental climate change