Like an arid land, not a single idea in mind
Are you down, no inspiration to find?
As composers in front of the piano dry
Poets, artists, incapable to create but sigh
No storms of originality in the brain
But the same old redundant pattern dull and plain
Are you held by uncreative captivity?
What can in you enliven creativity?
Love, true love, inspirits uncreativity
It's a wondrous enamored reactivity
Emotion heightened, everything in the world glows
Seeing in the cloud ray lining, in the drizzle rainbows
Hearing caws as melodies, seeing comets as cupid
Our artistry expands, minds focused, thoughts lucid
True love takes on of the world a holistic view
Fantasize any dream you like, and make it come true
How creative the universe in which we live
To the foundation of the earth attention give
Consider the lilies of the field, breeds of animals
Shades of colors, styles of musics, types of people, oh
Feel the fingerprints of love on everything formed
You too with creativity were adorned
Now there are for being idealess no excuses
We all have love, hence we are all inspiring muses
Love, true love, inspirits uncreativity
It's a wondrous enamored reactivity
Hearing caws as melodies, seeing comets as cupid
Our originality expands, intellect focused, acumen lucid
True love takes on of the world an infinite view
Fantasize any dream you like, and make it come true