I think about you every day
What can I say
Everyone tells me to move on
And to stay strong
But I knew all along I'd write this song
Cuz your face, your eyes, your smile
Stalker, follower, whatever you call me
I don't care
Cuz I love you so much that it hurts
It hurts seeing you walk with her
It makes me burn
What is it about the girl with glasses and a purse
Cuz I know that you two won't last long
Cuz your face, your eyes, your smile
Stalker, follower, whatever you call me
I don't care
Cuz I love you so much that it hurts
When I think of you life's one big sunny ray
Do you think you'll love me one day
If no that's okay
Cuz I know I'll have to move on one day
But your face, your eyes, your smile
Stalker, follower, whatever you call me
That's okay, cuz I love you so much that it hurts