Somewhere on the the corner of 15th and midnight, I got mugged for sixteen dollars by a man with a gun and a knife
He took it all, he's not that tall, I tried to cry, but the walls around me are far too cold and I ain't got nothing but my pain and my pride
And I know I ain't done it right, I know I look a fright, I know you hate who I am, I hate myself every night
I shake on the corner, begging you for change, you can give me your coins, but my friend, that ain't what I'm say'n
You got a stone cold hearted stare - the world gon burn baby, you don't care
The Reds they say that this ain't the land our fathers were fightin' for, they ain't got no love for the lord, and we give too damn much to the poor
And "Why have I gotta take a stand, when he can't find his own feet? Why's my dollar gotta build wall so wide? What can I really do for them?"
Well, you got a pretty mirror, go ahead cast that stone you ain't got no sin, cause in the end it won't be about what you have, but who you know my friend.
A day gonna come, when you and me gonna fade, and when the lights go out will your money hold you hand or will it put you in your grave
You got a stone cold hearted stare - the world gon burn baby, you don't care
I ain't asking you to take a walk in my shoes, or to pay me my dues, I'm just looking for kindness, or a word from you
And I know I ain't done it right, I know you don't want a fight, I know you know better, and I shouldn't be here tonight....
But you've got a stonehearted stare, a stonehearted stare