Floricienta (known in English as Flinderella) is an Argentine children's musical soap opera based on the Cinderella story. It originally aired from 2004 to 2005, but since then it has been broadcast in many countries. Some international channels that have aired Floricienta are Disney Channel (Latin America), Cartoon Network and Disney Channel (Europe). It was also available on the Sky UK satellite lineup.
The lead roles were portrayed by two-time Martín Fierro-Award-winning actress Florencia Bertotti, Juan Gil Navarro, Isabel Macedo, Fabio Di Tomaso and Benjamín Rojas. The show was created by Cris Morena and was produced by Cris Morena Group in association with RGB Entertainment.
The series became an international phenomenon for children and teens throughout Latin America, Israel and parts of Europe.
The soap opera spawned over 200 licensed products. The tour was attended by over 1 million people in Latin America and Israel including over 100 concerts in Teatro Gran Rex, ten shows in Estadio Luna Park and four at José Amalfitani Stadium, all in Buenos Aires.
The show was adapted by Bandeirantes in Brazil (Floribella), SIC in Portugal, TVN in Chile, RCN Televisión in Colombia and Televisa in Mexico. In an interview with Radio 10, Cris Morena announced she sold the Latin American rights for Disney Channel.