The beauty of nature and wonders of art
All fade away like dust in the wind depart
The glory of kingdoms and power of might
All come to an end in the face/ of eternal night
Yet in the darkness there is a glimmer of light
A spark of hope that doth shine so bright
For if all is meaningless then what do we lose
In the face of this truth we can choose our own views
The abyss of mind
Where all-purpose and value are left behind
The abyss that doth lurk within a soul
And find a purpose to make us whole
The abyss of mind
Where all-purpose and value are left behind
The abyss that doth lurk within a soul
And find a purpose to make us whole
The darkness/ of nihilism/ doth/ consume
All that we hold/ dear // all that we/ assume
In the void/ a freedom doth arise/
To create meaning and to surmise
In the end all shall fade away
But in this moment we can/ choose/ to slay