Authenticity, your wave is rare
The moment potential becomes frightful - individuality dies
Lungs collapse mid-explanation of your truth
I've witnessed your presence leave bodies
Eyes wide
Souls detached for approval
For likelihood of mediocre belief
Paralyzed visions- damn, I wish they would have listened (I wish they would've listened)
You are the rarest commodity
Foundation of high
I've witnessed your essence
And though persuaded I still found my way
There's purpose in truth
Godly waves
You' and only
Tell me what you need
Realist forms of self-delivered to you in those who've lost themselves
Trying to find a sense of certainty
I've been there
I know what it's like to lose yourself to the majority
Giving what you believe they want in order to give yourself what you believe is needed
Trampolining on lost souls for false confidence and credibility
Picture me this
There is no competition
There's no one else left but you and me're all I've ever needed
You are all that others can't seem to see
So, I choose you
Over what they seem to believe