Can we step outside, this party's stifling
It's all gold dust and feathers
When all I want is a table with you,
Unhurried and together
That's what I said then, and little's changed
I don't despise the life we know
These are the days of little things
In hiddenness, cedars grow
Because only low places
Fill with water when it rains and
I've never seen the lowlight lie unlovely on the plains
But we miss it when we move at such a brutal pace
I can burn down a thousand miles everyday in my brain
It's a slow embrace
That gets it all anyway
But I'm just trying to reach what my babies need
I'm not getting any taller
I know that every hair is numbered
Mine's been thinning and my days aren't getting longer
But only low places
Fill with water when it rains
And leaning on these promises
Feels like learning to wait
But we miss it when we move at such a brutal pace
I can burn down a thousand miles everyday in my brain
It's a slow embrace
That gets it all anyway
If we ever move back East again
We might be stuck on 95
Half-listening to XPN's pledge campaign
When Dylan dies
And as it gets dark outside, they'll play the back catalog
And make their remarks on his 'born-again phase'
We'll do our best Dylanesque impressions just for the laugh
But if they play 'Pressing On'
I'll get quiet and pray
Because somewhere by the Susquehanna
I won't wanna stomach more delays
I'll be looking out for the next exit
Now we're down to a single lane
Do you ever feel it too?
That everyone we knew in
College got accomplished but I only wanted you,
We only wanted kids, now all we got is
In a slow embrace
That gets it all anyway
Can we step outside
This car is stifling
Besides, we gotta feed our daughters
We'll climb back in when things start to move
Unhurried and together