When the cold wind blows, I will wrap my arms around this shattered heart of mine
When the cold wind blows, and the creases in my bed-sheets are the only sign
When the cold wind blows, and my friends are sick of hearing how I'm all alone
When the cold wind blows
In a part-empty bar in Bedford, when we both first swapped lies
You said I looked like Robert Redford, in a Next suit, shirt and tie
We drank what I would call substantial amounts of cheap house wine
I inflated my financial status; Is that a crime?
I'm no lady-killer and you're no Kiera Knightly
I'll speak about my boring life and you'll listen politely
We might not end up single if we settle for each other
It's not so bad, I'm not your Dad
Although you look just like my mother
In your stylish dress from New Look, you looked so chic
You seemed to live your life on Facebook, you were famous in your clique
The whole thing seemed to be so speedy and I was greedy for a sign
I tried my best not to be needy, but now my texts have become whines
I'm no lady-killer and you're no Kiera Knightly
I'll speak about my boring life and you'll listen politely
We might not end up single if we settle for each other
It's not so bad, I'm not your Dad
Although you look just like my mother