The greatest thing I could ever be, I already am
When you made me, inherently success was in your plan
And it's good to know that I belong to something and someone so great
Now I finally know where I belong
Your love's reset my fate
I am yours
You are mine
What greater peace can one find
The greatest thing I could ever be, I already am
When you made me, inherently success was in your plan
And it's good to know that I belong to something and someone so great
Now I finally know where I belong
Your love's reset my fate
And it's good to know that this won't change
I am yours forever
Now I finally know that this won't change
The love you have for me can't be severed
I am yours
You are mine
What greater peace can one find
I am yours
You are mine
What greater peace can one find
I am yours
You are mine
I am yours and you are mine