Now the pig gave a snort - nothing short- this was long
(Though she misunderstood every word of his song)
And he filled up his satchel with good things to eat
And with pig at his side he decided to leave
There was a star caught down in the drain
Caught up in the hair and the slime and the muck
It tried to shoot out but its tail got stuck
I tried not to hear but it was screaming my name
So I got a hammer and I shattered the tub
Smiled down on my star from a few feet above
I reached out my hand but the star was afraid
It hadn't seen light like the light of the day
A light like mine
Then inch by inch
Up the pipe it moved
Up and out
Above my house
We flew
All around my little town we flew
My star amazed by this new shade of blue
We headed towards the moon
Look for your star
Wherever you are
It's calling your name
Way down in a drain
And you've got to help
This star by yourself
It's not that hard
To help a star
Up the spout
You can shine it out
With a light like yours