I can feel the sun's heat
Burning my pale body
I'm counting my heartbeats
Waiting for night, shining poetically
Just leaves upon my head
Just grass under my back
I don't need any bed
I don't have any lack
And in the rising night
I climb the trees to this diamond sky
And in the star's light
I believe I see her face, and I cry
Yes I'm the stupid king
From an unknown kingdom
And I'm never coming
Back home
A squirrel on my shoulder
Is my best friend for eternity
A raven flying higher
Is nicer than all humanity
Nature is only a placebo to me
I believed I could leave everything
But I miss mom and my buddy
And my little star, shining
I don't have any crown
And like an elf king
Sitting on my wooden throne
I can't stop thinking
That I'm the stupid king
From an unknown kingdom
And I'm never coming
Back home
Yes I'm the stupid king
From an unknown kingdom
And I'm never coming
Yes I'm the stupid king
From an unknown kingdom
And I'm never coming
Back home