Open the gates
Small man
I'm ready
One step
No look back
My faith stands
Your gaze rips my dress
I'm the oppressed
Take a look at my shape
You cover your face
I walk towards your Lord
Trampling men in your home
I have something to say
Your torment fades away
You ask me for the light
I'll give your just a fight
You want to drink my tears
I'll drown you in fear
The olive branch is your shield
I have the fire in me
Your sword points to the ground
I turn you face-down
Eager servant
Are you ready?
Like it or not
I'll break your Cross
Ravens from the sky (renuntiato)
I blow on your lights (renuntiato)
Ravens in the room (renuntiato)
My wind blesses you (renuntiato)
(exsecrata femina)
(res creata damnata)
(cives pater exite)
(omnes foras)
(fuscus omen spectate)
(omnes fugite)
Davanti alla nostra famiglia
Nega e rinuncia sotto giuramento
I Eleanor
Daughter of the Red Snake
I stand up and spit on you my bane
In ginocchio e a mani giunte
Purifica la tua anima e pentiti
I foresee a lake of fire
Demons burning of desire
I hear the drums of a Cadence of War
A Greyhouse that opens its doors
La tua anima è posseduta
Tu sei il nido in cui cresce il demonio
Tu sei la piaga
Tu sei il volto del male
I address you
Pathetic citizen
I'll walk in your house and
I'll devour your children
Ordino che sia messa sotto
Le cure dell'Arcangelo
Che il demone che vive in lei
Sia estirpato e distrutto
I Eleanor
I swear
I force myself
To be your servant (your servant)
I don't regret.