You make quite the astonishing claim
You state things that are hard to believe
Avow all must adhere to the things you hold true
Refuse to take on any debate
All views different from yours label hate
And now we all must follow your illogical rules
Where is your proof?
Show me something I can believe
I'll not just take you at your word
Show me all your evidence
Proof is what I need from you now
Prove it to me
That what you claim is actually beyond all doubt true
Burden of proof falls on him who makes the claim
It's not my job to prove you are wrong
Let's not act as if it's true until proven false
Shifting the burden of proof doesn't work
The more extraordinary is the claim, the proof must also exist without doubt
It's not self-evident as you seem to assume
Where is your proof?
Show me something I can believe
I'll not just take you at your word
That would be absurd
I see through your ploy
Using smoke and mirrors to avoid questions and critique
Logical fallacies are your game but that won't work on me
Where is your proof?
Show me all your evidence
Proof is what I need from you now
Prove it to me
That what you claim is actually beyond all doubt true
Burden of proof falls on him who makes the claim