When it gets so tough
We don't give up
If you fall down
Just get back up
We have Jesus
And he's enough
To put you on
No matter what
When the road gets tough
The path feels steep
Climbing mountains
Can't seem to reach
Doubt starts to whisper
Fear starts to grow
Deep in my soul
The truth I know
You split the sea
You carried me
At peace I be
Your light shines bright
I trust your might
You gave me sight
You made me right
I feel alright
When it gets so tough
We don't give up
If you fall down
Just get back up
We have Jesus
And he's enough
To put you on
No matter what
I put my faith in him
I'm letting go
Of every fear
And doubt I hold
I can't stop now
I don't know how
My grace is loud
Jesus is proud
It's all or nothing
With him I'm something
We walk by faith
And not by sight
He blessed this day
Even tonight
Though the storm rolls in
And the waves are high
He's my anchor
I know for sure
I trust you Lord
You are my God
I lift your name
You never change
You are my peace
My prince of peace
I want your ways
No other way
You bring me joy
You are my choice
And without you
There's no good news
They have no clue
So they pursue
And find out late
That God is great
You cannot fail
And will not fail
For you are God
Almighty God
I'm in your squad
No matter what
When it gets so tough
We don't give up
If you fall down
Just get back up
We have Jesus
And he's enough
To put you on
No matter what